The configuration of a JaCaMo project is realised in a file with the .jcm
suffix (jcm stands for JaCaMo).
This file is composed of the following sections:
agents configuration
environment configuration
organisations configuration
execution configuration
and looks like as follows:
mas myjacamoapplication {
// agents configuration
// environment configuration
// organisations configuration
// execution configuration
Agents configuration
Syntax for agents section
<agents> ::= <agent>* <agent> ::= agent <name> [ : <source> ] { <parameter>* } <parameter> ::= <id> : <value> ( (, | EOL) <value> ) * <id> ::= beliefs | goals | debug | verbose | ag-class | ag-arch | ag-bb-class | myparameter | instances | join | focus | roles
Example of agents configuration
agent bob : participant.asl { // if source is omitted, bob.asl will be used by default
// initial beliefs
beliefs: p("this is a condition",15000)
// initial goals
goals: start, go(home)
// debug options
debug: mindinspector(gui(2000,html,history)) // starts the mind inspector for the agent
// verbose level: 0 (only agent output), 1 (agent+jason output), 2 (agent+jason+debug output)
verbose: 2
// customisation classes
ag-class: tt.MyAgClass
ag-arch: myp.myArch1
ag-bb-class: my.Bb
// user application parameter, used for instance by user custom architectures
myparameter: "this is an appl parameter"
// 5 bobs (called bob1, bob2, ... bob5) will be created.
// You can also list the names of the agents. Default value is 1.
instances: 5
// join the workspace w2 (w2 should be defined in environment section)
join: w2
// focus on artifact a1 in workspace w1 (a1 should be defined in environment section)
focus: w1.a1
ns::w1.a2 // focus on w1.a2 and place observable properties in namespace ns
// adopt the role r1 in group g2 and role r2 in group g3 (g2, g3, o1 should be defined in organisation section)
roles: r1 in g2, r2 in o1.g3
Environment configuration
Syntax for environment section
<environment> ::= <workspace>* <workspace> ::= workspace <name> { <artifact>* <agents> <debug> } <artifact> ::= artifact <name> : <type> [ { focused-by: [<namespace> ::] <agents> } ] <agents> ::= agents : <name> ( (, | EOL) <name> )* | "*" // "*" means all agents <debug> ::= debug
Example of environment configuration
workspace w1 {
// creates an artifact named c1 as an instance of mylib.Counter initialised with (10)
artifact c1: mylib.Counter(10)
artifact bll: mylist.BlockList() {
focused-by: bob // bob will focus on this artifact using its default namespace
nn::alice // alice will focus on this artifact using its nn namespace
agents: carlos, marcos // carlos and marcos will join this workspace
debug // starts a GUI for this workspace
Organisations configuration
Syntax for organisations section
<organisations> ::= <org>* <org> ::= organisation <name> [ : <source> ] { <parameter>* <agents> <group>* <scheme>* } <group> ::= group <name> : <type> [ { <gparameter>* } ] <gparameter> ::= <gid> : <gvalue> ( (, | EOL) <gvalue> ) * <gid> ::= responsible-for | debug | group | players | owner <scheme> ::= scheme <name> : <type> [ { <sparameter>* } ] <sparameter> ::= <sid> : <svalue> ( (, | EOL) <svalue> ) * <sid> ::= debug | owner
Example of organisations configuration
organisation o1 : os.xml { // os.xml is the file with the organisational specification, if omitted o1.xml is used
// a group instance g1 based on the group writepaper defined in os.xml
group g1: writepaper {
// the group will be responsible for the scheme s1
responsible-for: s1
owner: alice // alice is the owner of the group and can manage it
// bob plays r1 and r2 in group g1, alice plays r1 in g1
players: bob r1
bob r2
alice r1
// starts a debug GUI for this group
debug: inspector_gui(on) // currently the only possible value is "inspector_gui(on)"
// groups sg2 will be a subgroup of g1
group sg2 : t1
// another group instance (without particular initialisation)
group g2 : writepaper
// scheme instance identified by wpscheme in os.xml
scheme s1 : wpscheme
Execution configuration
Agent source path
The asl-path
entry sets the folder where .asl
files are placed. The default configuration follows:
asl-path: ., src/agt, src/agt/inc
Organisation source path
The org-path
entry sets the folder where organisation specifications .xml
files are placed. The default configuration follows:
org-path: ., src/org
Java source path
The pava-path
entry sets the folder where Java classes .java
files are placed. The default configuration follows:
java-path: ., src/env, src/agt
Java class path
class-path: lib
../../../code/bin/classes // reusing artifacts from that directory
Platform configuration
This section of the file configures the platform(s) used to run the MAS. The most common entries are: cartago
(for the environment), local
(for Jason agents), and jade
(for distributed agents). The parameters for them are listed below.
parameters for
(optional): starts the cartago node in the network
parameters for
: where X is the number os threads used to run the agents (more options here)
parameters for
: any parameter we can use for jade.Boot. E.g.:-
jade("-gui -sniffer")
: starts Jade main-container with RMA and Sniffer already running -
jade("-container -host localhost -container-name c2")
: starts a Jade sub-container namedc2
Other possible entries for platform:
: disable agent http mind inspector -
: disable environment http inspector -
: disable organisation http inspector
platform: jade()
Users can add their own platforms by including their class name in the list. Your class must implement the jacamo.platform.Platform
A project can import other projects by the keyword uses
, as in the following example:
mas d uses p1, p2 {
In this case, all agents, workspaces and organisations defined in files p1.jcm
and p2.jcm
are included in the above project. The platform
configuration is imported only if nothing about platforms is informed in the project that is using another project configuration.