What You Will Build

This document describes the steps to create a JaCaMo Package from scratch. A JaCaMo Package is a set of development artifacts (agent code, artifact classes, organisation specifications, …) that can be reused by other projects.

The package being developed along this document is very simple: a hello world package that includes:

The artifact is used to display a message in a GUI as shown below. The library has just one plan that an agent can use to create and show messages on this artifact.

hello gui

if you want to transform an existing JaCaMo project into a package, see this doc after reading this one.

What You Need

JaCaMo package development

  1. Create a new project called jcm-hello into your GitHub account. Since my user name is jomifred, in the sequence, replace it by your user name.

  2. Clone the project:

    git clone https://github.com/jomifred/jcm-hello.git
  3. Create a new JaCaMo application placing the files in the directory of the local copy of the GitHub repository:

    wget -q http://jacamo-lang.github.io/jacamo/nps/npss.zip
    unzip npss.zip
    ./gradlew -Dexec.args="jcm-hello --console" --refresh-dependencies
  4. Add files on Git

    cd jcm-hello
    git add gradle* log* build.gradle
  5. Create the an artifact to show messages in a GUI

    Download the code of the artifact fom here and place it at src/env/display. The following commands do that:

    cd src/env
    rm -rf example
    mkdir display
    cd display
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacamo-lang/jacamo/packages/docs/devs/creating-packages/GridDisplay.java
    cd ../../..
  6. Create a library of agent plans

    We have a single plans in our library, download it fom here and place it in file src/agt/hello.asl. The following commands do that:

    cd src/agt
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacamo-lang/jacamo/packages/docs/devs/creating-packages/hello-grid.asl
    cd ../..

    The plan of this library can be used to achieve the goal print_hello. If selected for execution, it creates and uses the artifact of this package.

  7. Test the library by changing src/agt/sample_agent.asl to

    +!start <- !print_hello.
    { include("hello-grid.asl") }
    { include("$jacamo/templates/common-cartago.asl") }

    and jcm-hello.jcm to

    mas jcm_hello {
        agent bob: sample_agent.asl

    and then running with


    You should see a GUI screen printing the hello world message.

  8. Add new files into Git

    git add src *jcm

Publication on GitHub

To publish the package on GitHub, edit the file build.gradle changing the group attribute following your GitHub account:

group = 'com.github.jomifred'

Commit changes and create a tag with the package version:

git add build.gradle jcm_hello.jcm
git commit -m "first version of package hello"
git tag -a 1.0 -m "version 1.0"

Push changes:

git push --follow-tags

Then go to your GitHub account and create a release (named 1.0 based on tag 1.0).


Using the package

Create a new JaCaMo application:

wget -q http://jacamo-lang.github.io/jacamo/nps/npss.zip
unzip npss.zip
./gradlew -Dexec.args="test-hello --console"

Edit test-hello.jcm creating a package alias (so that we can use the identifiers hello to refer to the package):

mas test_hello {

    agent bob: sample_agent.asl

    uses package: hello "com.github.jomifred:jcm-hello:1.0"


Change sample_agent.asl to include the plan of the package and to use it:

{ include("$hello/agt/hello-grid.asl") } // *** include plans from the package


+!start <- !print_hello.                 // ***  uses the package plan

{ include("$jacamo/templates/common-cartago.asl") }
{ include("$jacamo/templates/common-moise.asl") }

Notice that the first include gets the plan from the hello package, that is downloaded by gradle before the application starts.

The plan to achieve start creates a sub-goal !print_hello that is then achieved by the included plan. This latter plan then creates the GUI artifact and shows the message.

You have to run the application in two steps:

./gradlew buildJCMDeps

and then

./gradlew run

The first step is necessary to update gradle dependencies (store in file .jcm-deps.gradle) from the JCM project. This step is necessary only when the list of JaCaMo packages changes.

It is useful to look at the URL https://jitpack.io/com/github/jomifred/jcm-hello/1.0/build.log (replacing user name) to see the result of building the package from GitHub.

What you have learnt

The basics of how to create a JaCaMo package and publish it on GitHub.